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Interior Pics

The snow has given way to rain and the result is the big melt.  Like many other Vancouverites, I’ve been spending more time inside than I like due to the snow, but at least it has inspired me to take some pictures of the interior of my place and put them up here.

First we have my exercise bike which I should be on now — with two birthday gifts for motivation:

Here is one of my best all-time purchases — this is a shower curtain that has survived at least seven moves:

I hope this TV lasts as long but that seems very unlikely:

Fuzzy shot of my coffee table that seems to have been inspired by the Jetsons:

Here’s a better shot of the coffee table taken at my previous place:

Here’s my “reading room” (fireplace out of frame):

And of course the messy desk where I actually spend most of my time:

And More Snow

It snowed last night.  It’s snowing now.

The view outside my bedroom:

Garage roofs show the snow depth:

A car (not mine) almost buried in front of my place:

Happy New Year!

And welcome to my blog.  

I have one New Year’s resolution:  to maintain this blog for 2009 so family and friends that are curious can follow my adventures during my “sabbatical” (the term my sister used to describe my year off to travel).

There is snow on the ground on New Year’s Day in Vancouver — a bit of shock right after mountain biking in shorts in the hills around Westlake Village, CA.

Here’s my front yard today:

And back yard:

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